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Black Friday + Cyber Monday and the Holiday Rush!

Holiday Cards Wholesale Printing Wrapping Paper Printing

Hello from the future! If you're a designer or anyone creating stationery or consumer based products it often feels like we are living anywhere from 3 to 6 calendar months before the general population. If you follow us on Instagram you know we were joking about this just recently. And if you aren't following us on Instagram, why not?! Follow Us here.
But really, you have to be prepped and ready months in advance. 
So friends, who's ready for Black Friday + Cyber Monday (BFCM) and the Holiday rush?! 
I had the opportunity to sit in on a quick webinar hosted by Klaviyo and the amazing E-commerce expert Grace Clarke of (no really, she is impressive! Insightful, honest and thorough. It was a really fantastic webinar). 
I just wanted to share a few of the things I thought were helpful going into Q4 and the BFCM, Holiday season. 
  1. Start. Prepping. Now. Maybe you already have, maybe you're halfway there, maybe you're just getting started. Get that ball rolling y'all. Prepare calls to actions, marketing strategies, campaign specifics, graphics, products, etc.
  2. Don't worry about reinventing the wheel. Stick to what your customers know and love, and focus on that. 
  3. Start talking about and teasing BFCM early! Get your customers excited and ready! 
  4. Create and or collaborate on Gift Guides that include your top products. Share those guides on your sites and social media outlets. 
  5. Create a landing page specific to BFCM, and leave it up all year. Include FAQs and information about past sales. 
  6. Pay attention to past trends and tap into what your customers have shown to love. 
              Q4 can be significant for many product based businesses. With the right preparation you can go into the Holiday season with ease and confidence, ready for your most successful year yet. 
              You know we are here to help. We truly want you all to achieve the greatest success. If there's a product you've wanted Stationery HQ to have or you have questions on how we can better help you prepare for BFCM and the Holiday season, please don't hesitate to reach out!
              Cheers friends,

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