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DS VD #10 Envelope

Double Sided #10 Variable Data Envelope

Choose your envelope paper

Customizations Total: $0.00

Double-Sided #10 Variable Data Envelope

Use this to create a doubled sided #10 variable data.

To order envelope addressee printing, simply set up your 
addresses as follows:

1.    Create a multi-page, black or color, 9.25" x 4.125" document with each name and address on a single page for the #10 envelope.

The first page must be the flap artwork. Only create one page for this.

The next pages will be your addresses for the front side of the envelopes. 

2. Save the file as a high resolution, multi page pdf file.

3. Upload the file. DO NOT ENTER A QUANTITY. This will be determined by the PDF you upload.

4. Proof your artwork (you can view as many pages as you’d like).

5. Complete your order.