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A7 Foldover Card - Metallic Elevated Ink

A7 Foldover Card - Metallic Elevated Ink

115# 16pt Solar White Classic Embellishment Cover Eggshell for Elevated Ink Cards

A7 Foldover Card with Metallic Elevated Ink

Embellished with gold metallic elevated ink.

YOUR PDF OR ILLUSTRATOR FILE must have five layers. Here is an article which explains how to do this.

It is critical that your foil layer is overprinted before you export to PDF. Here is an article on how to do this.

You can upload a five-layer PDF file with the foil portion color labeled IFOIL or an Illustrator file foil portion color in a swatch called IFOIL. A JPG file does not work on this product.

We are launching this product as single-sided only in June 2024. Once we have volume we will add the double-sided option.

  • Upload your unique design on this A7 foldover card.
  • Art Size: 10.25 x 7.25
  • Trimmed Size: 10 x 7

Uses: event program, greeting card

Downloadable Product Templates

A7 Folded Landscape(.ai)

A7 Folded Landscape(.psd)

A7 Folded Portrait(.ai)

A7 Folded Portrait(.psd)